What Would You Like To Be When You Grow Up, Little Girl?

What Would You Like To Be When You Grow Up, Little Girl?

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I'd like to be a model girl, lithe and long  and lean,
I'd like to be a TV star, shining from the screen.

I'd like to be an actress, and strut upon the stage,I'd like to be a poet, printed on this page.

I'd like to be a busy nurse, smoothing down the sheets,I'd like to be an usherette, and show you to your seats.

I'd like to be a banker and make a lot of money,
I'd like to be a bee-keeper, and bask in bread and honey.

I'd like to be a dancer, and dance the disco beat,
I'd like to be a High Court Judge, and try a case or two.

I'd like to be a hairdresser, with blower, brush and comb,I'd like to be a Romany, the whole wide world to roam.

I'd like to be an air hostess, and soar across the seas,I'd like to be a doctor, and dose you when you sneeze.

I'd like to be a teacher, and quell you with one look,I'd like to be an artist, and illustrate this book.

I'd like to be a gymnast and balance on a bar,I'd like to be a grand chauffeur, and drive a dashing car.

I'd like to be a skater, racing around a rink,I'd like to be just anything ... I think!

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