Have You?

Have You?

Image result for raining cartoon gif

Have you heard the water
As it drips from the tap?
The slow drummer in the sink.

Have you seen the rain
Trickle down your window pane?
Silver snakes in the night.

Have you sheltered from a cloudburst
Beneath a chestnut tree?
Heaven machine-gunning the leaves.

Have you heard the waves crash
On a stormy shore?
A wild music of pebbles.

 Have you dived a pool
On a summer day?
A blade slicing the silence.

Have you seen a bead of dew
Jewel a daisy's petal?
A diamond in the snow.

Have you touched a spider's web
After a shower of rain?
Splinters of ice in the moonlight.

Have you listened to the rain
Fall gently on a summer's night?
A warm lullaby.

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