Grandpa and the Martian

Grandpa and the Martian

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The Martian oozed up our garden path

and rang the front door bell;

his scales were blue, his teeth were green,

he had a horrible smell.

'What do you want?' asked Grandpa.

'You'd better not come inside,

you'd ruin all the carpets and

the scatter rugs besides.'

The Martian lowered his spacesuit

to the ground with a rattling clank.

'Have you got any second-hand chewing gum

to mend my oxygen tank?

'I'm losing all my pressure through

this rusty little leak

and I need to plug it as quick as I can,'

he said with a plaintive squeak.

Grandpa ran to the bedroom.

From under the reading lamp

he grabbed some of last night's chewing gum

that was sticky still, and damp.

He handed it to the Martian

who took it with a shout

and plastered it over the leaky bit

where the gas was whistling out.

Then Captain Chook, the Martian,

went safely home to Mars

where the little moons spin like humming tops

among the silent stars.

Now Grandpa often tells the tale

while sipping at him rum;

how he saved the expedition

with some second-hand chewing gum.

by Bill Scott

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