Best Things

Best Things

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Coke from the fridge,

Bananas, cherries,

Mum when she's had

A couple of sherries;

Ice-cream and jelly,

Nearly everything on telly:

Cartoons, westerns,

Comedy, pop-

Start on that

I'll never stop;

The taste of parsley,

Vinegar, mustard,

School chocolate pudding

With green custard;

Waking up

On a Saturday morning:

Weekend thoughts dawning;

Old jeans-

Who cares if I get a rip in?

The taste of a Cox's Orange Pip-pin;

Sailing in a boat;

The smell of creosote;

Chips all squashy

From the shop in town,

Or Mum's chips, crips

And golden brown;

Great blobs of candy floss

And hotdogs at the fair,

My bed, my new bike,

My favourite chair...

I could go on forever

If I wanted to-

And so, I expect, could you.

by Eric Finney

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