

Image result for tomatoes

T oday, these food are used

O n salads and

M any other recipies!

A ny pizza wouldn't have it's flavour without

T omatoes, as they are used

O n their sauce

E asily we could

S ay this food is very important!


Related image

O n this food, there is a

L arge amount of proteins and

I t is delicious! Sometimes in

V acations hotel offer it to you.

E veryday you can

S ee it in pubs!


Image result for strawberry

S uper food and super fruit

T tasty like pie

R ipe

A nd juicy

W e love rose family

B oth beautiful, red and

E xcellent taste

R un and

R oar outside the house

Y ummy, yummy, yummy! I am hungry!


Image result for mango

M uch favourite fruit

A nd really tasty

N atural and

G reat exotic fruit that you can eat with 

O h yummy mangoes

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