High Drive

High Drive

It feels very lonely, up here against the clouds

and girders of the glass roof. The pool so far away,

framed in flower of a thousand upturned faces.

Walk to the brink, turn, and carefully

(firm toes gripping this last hold on life)

hang heels in space. Face a blank wall.

Raise arms slowly, sideways, shoulder-high,

silent passion,dream-deep concentration

foretelling every second of the coming flight.

Then with a sudden upward beat of palms,

of arms like wings, gathering more than thought

launch backwards into take-off, into one ball

roll for a quadruple reverse somersault

that at the last split-second flicks

open like a switchblade-

feet pointed as in prayer, neatly folded hands

stab the heavens like a dagger, plunge

deep into the pool's azure flesh - without a splash.

by James Kirkup

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